Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Social Psychology Definition Paper

With only the unifying concept of social interaction, social psychology occupies a no-man’s land somewhere between psychology, sociology, physiology, and evolutionary theory in the uncultivated areas of the social sciences (Harold, 2000). Biology offers up the principles of natural selection and adaptation as causal explanations for everything from human mating practices to index finger length, and sociology offers explanations for social structure and organization; it is to social psychology that falls the task of explaining how people think about, affect, and interact with one another on a psychological, biological, and social level (Myers, 2008; Pinel, 2007). If genetic and biological predisposition is the violin and environmental factors the violinist, then the bow of social interaction is the instrument by which the two conjugate to create music for example cognition and behavior. Though, in light of an examination of the main ideas and research methods of social psychology—as well as a comparison between related fields—the particular function of social interaction, as it relates to biology and psychology, comes into focus. Main Ideas of Social Psychology. Social psychologists study a set of strategies for answering questions related to attitudes and beliefs, the way we construe our world, and conformity and independence; rather than simply an objective compilation of findings. Some of the main ideas that social psychology seeks to address are: 1) the construction of our social reality; 2) social intuition; 3) how social influences, personal attitudes, personality, and biology shape our behavior; and 4) how social psychology’s principles can be applied in everyday life (Myers, 2008). The construction of our social reality rests on the materialistic assumption that an objective world exists quite separate from our subjective interpretation of that world, but that we can only view reality through the lens of our beliefs and values. Moreover, it is clear that the mechanism of social intuition—automatic processing, heuristics, and implicit memory—can be very powerful when utilize for fast and frugal snap judgments but it could also be perilous when more reasoned thinking is required. Our behavior is shape by many influences that can be external and internal. We are a social animal, which means that our cultural predispositions define our circumstances. It is also apparent that our attitudes and personality play a significant role in shaping behavior as well. Sometimes offsetting and sometimes reinforcing social pressures. Above all else, the idea that we are bio-psycho-social organisms operating on several levels and at the bequest of many influences assists in explaining the multi-verse of human behavior. At last, the practical application of social psychology’s analytical tools and explanations to the subjective beliefs, attitudes, and relationships of everyday life can help people know themselves better, think smarter, and make better decisions. The specific means by which social psychologists ascertain the aforementioned analytical tools and explanations is encapsulate in the implementation of research Methodology Research Methods of Social Psychology. There is three main avenues through which social psychologists can elucidate the facts of individual social interaction: 1) correlation research; 2) experimental research; and 3) survey research. The very basis of the scientific method is the postulation that a theory can be explain or predicted by means of hypothesis testing, through the medium of observable events. Correlation research seeks to explain naturally occurring relationships among variables, but does not have the ability to differentiate causation between variables. For instance, Einwohner (1999) could show that personal identification as an activist and collective identification with a group are highly correlate with protest behavior, but that the formers do not necessarily cause latter. However, through the instrument of time-lagged correlations it could be determine. Variables came first in a sequence, but it cannot be determine which variable constitutes the cause and which variable constitutes the effect. On the other hand, experimental research is uniquely design to isolate and manipulate variables to the end of illuminating causation. Experimental research accomplishes this huge feet by the use of independent variables, the manipulated experimental factor; and dependent variables, the measured factor that changes as the independent variable is manipulate. By keeping the dependent variable constant and changing only the independent variable, social psychologists can isolate the exact effect that the first has on the second. Finally, survey research uses random sample, a method by which every member of a group has equal chance of inclusion, to extrapolate the results of a representative group onto a population. It is important to note that survey research is only meant to describe present variables and opinions, rather than predict the future likelihood of variables and opinions. Also the effect of question ordering and wording, response options, and unrepresented samples shows the possible pitfalls of bias that can affect survey results. Comparison between Related Fields The field of sociology overlaps with social psychology in some areas; but sociology is primarily concern with how groups and societies interact at the collectivist level, and social psychology is mainly involved with the individual psychology of social interaction. Also of consequence, is the general observation that sociology relies heavily on survey research and correlation research; whereas, social psychology takes into account a wealth of experimental methodology as well (Kearl, 2009). On the other end of the spectrum, clinical psychology overlaps with social psychology in that they both depend heavily on experimental research to verify their perspective hypotheses. The branch of general psychology usually referred to as personality psychology differs from social psychology by its emphasis on the difference between individuals rather than the effect that individuals have on each other. So to summarize, sociology overlaps with social psychology on the left because they both study social interaction, clinical psychology on the right because they both make heavy use of experimental research to validate their hypotheses, and personality psychology in the main because they both seek to understand the individual. Furthermore, sociology differs from social psychology because the former is more dependent on co relational and survey research, and social psychology differs from personality psychology in the emphasis of individual interaction over individual difference, respectively. Conclusion In conclusion, the conglomeration of research areas and methodologies that social psychology occupies is cosmopolitan and parsimonious in scope and applicability, meaning that even though social psychology be concern with several areas of research the field is still dedicate exclusively to understand how people think about, affect, and interact with one another on a psychology, biological, and social level. The practical working out of the field of social psychology in the area of research specifically encompasses the subjects of social intuition, the applicability of the field’s principles on everyday life, the construction of our social reality and what forces influence and shape our behavior. The field of social psychology takes advantage of experimental research, survey research, and company relational research to confirm hypotheses concerning the abovementioned subjects.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Gravity Model

Literature review Many researches and theories have been written according to the trade flows between two different zones (EU and BRICS countries). A researcher Cheney in 2008 reported that â€Å"The gravity model† is a very tangible method for empirical trade analysis that explains bilateral trade is described in trade flows in terms of the size of the trading partners (by GDPs), the distance among these countries (long distance creates additional cost on trade) and several other geographical specifications or policy aspects of any bilateral trade relationship. As these factors affect the value of trade between countries, they also affect the duration of these trade flows Prusa in 2006. Thus, we include the GDP of the destination country, the distance (in km) between Brussel, Berlin and the importer country's capital city, and various variables indicating contiguity (i.e. controlling for potential border effects), the existence of bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, EU membership of the destination market and a common language between Belgium, Germany and its trading partner (Brazil, Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa). We also control for the initial value of the export relationship in a destination to account for the initial level of confidence the trading partners originally had in the sustainability of this relationship Brenton in 2010 and to check the presented findings by Besede in 2008 that trade relations starting large last longer. The measurement of trade policy is not often changed even when the definition of trade policy is restricted to traditional tariff and non-tariff barriers to international trade.The TRAINS database of the United Nations' or the WITS database of the World Bank's are systematically exist from 1989. In totally, we can observe that measures of tariffs aremore available than measures of non-tariff barriers. (Anderson and Wincoop 2004). In some situations, there are different types of trade policy measurements: As price – we can show ad-valorem tariffs which are easy to calculate and most comparable across industries and time because they create barrier in international trade and it influences directly to the product's price. Furthermore, trade instruments such of that specific tariffs which are applied as a per-unit on imported goods. By analyzing the trade policy measurement across countries, industries and time that can effect inference about the effect of trade policies in cross-country and multi-industry researches (Harrigan and Barrow in 2009). A recent study by scholars from the  University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, UK (2017) started to analyze the price of different type of chocolates in terms of consumers wants to purchase them. The research showed that online traders do not put higher cost for mixed chocolate than plain chocolate. Moreover, consumers agree to pay a premium for ordinary chocolate bars which are full of proteins and they will prefer to pay a premium for chocolate in comparison to milk chocolate according to dark chocolate's important benefits. Another interesting fact is that to produce a chocolate labeled in developing countries is less cost under the fair trade as opposed to other types of chocolate. Another author, Tracey Massey, president of Mars Chocolate (2016) stressed that for increasing our profit we have to apply newer innovation in chocolate products because of consumers' preferences. Thus, consumers love to taste new mixed products. In another tangible point, we refer to another scholar, Mr. Nielson (2016) corresponding to pricing and sales Nielson presented that chocolate as main product still covers most industry sales (88%) in the market. Hence, people buy chocolate much more during special ceremonies and holidays. In a light of another study of Mayer, which was presented in 2014, he noted that we have evaluate the level of international competition Belgian and German chocolate exporters face on each market. Firstly, we appreciate this observed level by taking into account the amount of chocolate imports from other countries (with the exception of Belgium and Germany). International competition can influence to the prolongation of the chocolate export in two levels. On the first level, countries importing a vast amount of chocolate may also import more chocolate from Belgium and Germany because of a strong preference for chocolate. On the second level, if international competition is tougher, Belgian and German exporters may see it more difficult to compete with other exporters in the market. Another important study came in 2011 by Lulia Monica from the Romanian Academy, Institute of World Economy. According to this paper, it can be seen that the relations between BRICS countries and these two developed countries is the key for the modernization on trade partnership. Thus, in recent decade the chocolate trade between both two areas have increased significantly, emphasizing the great evolution of Chinese and Russian shares on the market of Europe. In 2009, China became the third main exporter for the European market, and the main import country for Europe. After China, Russia came on the fourth place as exporting country, India the 8th and Brazil the twelfth. When it comes to the imports: China is the first import destination for Europe, Russia is the 3rd , Brazil the 9th and India the10th. As a result, this paper indicates that Belgium and Germany as EU countries is the most important trade partner for BRICS countries, both in the sector of exports and imports. Therefore, the points of this enquiry directed to analyze chocolate market share of the given countries above, the situation trade among these countries, to touch some parameters that directly affect the development of the chocolate market and to take into account trade factors in the different countries, how tariffs applied influence the level of export to BRICS countries.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) Results

Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) Results While analyzing time series data, it is important to check the order of integration of the variables. Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) unit root test are used at level form and first difference of each series. The results of the unit root test are reported in Table 5.9 taking into consideration of the constant-trend variables and without the constant-trend variables. In the ADF test, the lag length is included to solve the problem of autocorrelation and to enhance the robustness of the result. The ADF t-statistics for the series without the constant and the trend term are all statistically insignificant to reject the null hypothesis of unit root. This shows that the series are non-stationary in their original form and they contain a unit root process. For the series with the trend and constant term, all the variables are non-stationary except the capital expenditure whose ADF t-statistics is significant and it is I(0). When the ADF test is carried out at the fi rst difference of each variable, the null hypothesis is rejected for both the series with the constant and rend term and without the constant and trend term. This is presented in fourth and fifth column of Table 5.9 and it shows that the variables are integrated of order 1. The results are consistent with theory as most of the macroeconomic time series data are expected to contain unit root and thus are integrated of order one I(1). ADF critical values without constant and trend:1%: -3.750; 5%: -3.000; 10%: -2.630 ADF critical values with constant and trend:1%: -4.380; 5%: -3.600; 10%: -3.240 Long run Equation The long run equation can now be estimated with the assumption that no variable contains more than one unit root and the first difference of each variable is stationary. With the aim of analyzing the effect of aid on current, capital and loan repayment, this study employ annual time series data from 1985 to 2008. Table 5.10 presents the result of the long run equation. The reg ression result reported in Table 5.9 shows that the relationship between aid and current and capital expenditures is negative and statistically insignificant. An interesting result in Table 5.9 is the positive coefficient of aid in principal repayment. This shows that aid is being employed to finance loan repayment. Urban population has elasticity coefficient of 7.58, 4.28 and 1.44 in current, capital and loan repayment respectively. This shows that urban population has a positive effect on government expenditure while population has negative effect on government expenditure with negative coefficients. R2 value is greater than 0.5 in all the three cases indicating that Aid, population , urban population and lagged GDP accounts to 71% ,50 % and 52% variation in current, capital and loan repayment expenditure respectively. Another desirable property of econometric result is the value of the Durbin Watson statistics which is close to 2 and represent the absence of serial correlation in the error term. Testing for co-integration An important property of I (1) variables is that they can be linear combinations of I (0) variables. If this is so, then these variables are said to be co-integrated (Maddala et al 1999). To test the presence of co-integration, the null hypothesis of unit root in the residuals is tested against the alternative hypothesis that there is co-integration between the variables.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Investigate Foreign Exchange Markets Research Paper

Investigate Foreign Exchange Markets - Research Paper Example The basic function of the foreign exchange market is to help in conversion of one currency to another. The fundamental thing here is to help achieve the goal of transferring of the purchasing power between two countries. This is made possible by the credit instruments. During the transfer process the foreign exchange market does the payments internationally. Another important function is the credit function which its role is to provide credit. This takes place both locally and internationally and it promotes foreign trade. The other function of foreign exchange market is the hedging process.The exchange rates in prices of one currency compared to another may vary and there might result to a loss or a gain. In that case, the party involved usually takes a high risk if there are huge amounts of net claims or liabilities which are to be met in foreign money. Exchange risks like such should be avoided or minimized if possible. The foreign exchange market provides the facilities of hedgin g to cub some of this problem encountered in the process. The forward market contributes in a big way to make it possible to hedge an exchange an exchange position. A forward contract goes for three months and it entails buying and selling of foreign exchange against another currencies during specific period. The primary market is where the securities are made and in this market is where firms sell new stocks and bonds to the public for the very first time. Initial public offering (IPO) is the same as the primary market. This is the pattern used in IPO: the company consults an underwriting firm to determine the legal and financial details of public offering. Then a registration statement is achieved from the authorities. The governing body must approve the statement which has got details on the price, benefits, and restrictions and this is issued to the people who are buying the securities (Machiraju, 2012). The purchasing power

Business Communication High School Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business Communication High School - Assignment Example This si the reason the first paragraph often summarises the good news. The indirect approach on the other hand, calls for a more inductive method, where the end is proven, instead of stating it right away. It is used for negative reports, where explanation that leads to the negative end is adopted. Secondly, one must see whom it addresses. If it is written to a higher up, it must be written in indirect approach, since it is generally written in undertone and polite, instead of sounding too direct or bombastic. Thirdly, the kind of structure to be followed determines the approach to be adopted. If an explanatory and then a conclusive answer is the preferred idea, then the indirect approach is to be adopted. Meanwhile, for direct statement of the idea, the direct approach is appropriate. In the mentioned scenario, the direct approach would be a risky one, since it would sound too impolite and direct. The indirect approach would be best suited for the situation.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Project management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Project management - Research Paper Example cusses the history of project management, its significance in the contemporary age, some of the obstacles that project managers commonly face in their work and the functions of project management. â€Å"Project management is the science (and art) of organizing the components of a project, whether the project is development of a new product, the launch of a new service, a marketing campaign, or a wedding† (MPUG, 2011). Project management, as the name implies, includes everything that is required to manage a project. A project is a one time endeavor. It is unique. Some people confuse the definition of project with that of process. The former is unique and non-repetitive whereas the latter is repetitive in nature. According to Lewis (2002), projects have been managed for thousands of years, yet it has been identified as an entirely separate disciple all over the world in the last ten years. This tells how short the history of project management is. The claim of Lewis (2002) has been reinforced with the support of Azzopardi (2009), though Azzopardi (2009) dates the development of project management of tools in organizations to the mid of 1950s. ‘Project Management’ is an important topic because all organisations, large and small, are involved in implementing new undertakings as diverse as the development of a new product or service, or a public relations campaign. To keep ahead of their competitors, every organisation is faced with development of complex services and processes. These need cross-functional expertise in a given organisation. (Modesto and Tichapondwa, 2009, p. 15). Every project is different and has its own specifications. The risks and opportunities associated with every project are unique. Two projects may be of entirely same nature with the same project parties, location, and time, yet the two may call for entirely different patterns of management. This can be attributed to the difference of various internal and external factors arising in the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Rhetorical Analyses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Rhetorical Analyses - Essay Example many underage girls) and (pressured to be skinny), which are obviously derived from personal beliefs that she garners, as well as that of society’s on the whole. Featherstone eventually evaluates magazines such as Blue Jean, Teen Voices, Hues and Reluctant Hero that are certified to provide far more fruitful and substantial content. Featherstone seeks for the ‘realness’ in these magazines that play in the minds of young juvenile minds but does not find any, thus resorting to a bit sullen but far sophisticated magazines on the shelves. The author’s arguments clearly indicates her preferences for the teen girls’ reading materials through the provision of examples and citing relevant support from identified slogans, celebrities, and choice of feature articles that were believed to evoke the readers’ emotional response. Featherstone contends for a woman who has her own voice over that which is lent. Her liking toward magazines such as Blue Jean is reason enough to understand that she shoots over the voices of ‘women activists’ whom she considers to be quite a rage for the propaganda of these magazines. On reading further about TEEN VOICES she voices her concerns about the delicate nature of the age and the need for advice regarding ‘Teen Pregnancies’ and ‘body mutilations’ which are common occurrences in society. She pleas the nubile Teens to look further than ones external appearances; to climb out of their fashion closets and discover a more meaningful world. Her choice of vocabulary is pretty strong and goes from easy-to-read to difficult-to-comprehend-the-context, and has a rather defying logical order. This is definitely an appeal to ‘logos’, to derive the right emotion through channelizing the content into a definite lopsided argument. For example; a paragraph describing Blue Jean, for instance, begins with a logical description of the magazine which was confusing the reader on what really was the message about. Featherstone

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Chapter13 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chapter13 - Essay Example Moreover, warnings against excessive use of such products are particularly explicit. Negotiations are fundamental for the peaceful coexistence of nations. This is because its main objective is to come up with a win-win situation out of a conflict. Deception, evasiveness, or collusion are simply out of bounds during negotiations. This is because there is no scale against which these vices are to be weighed to create a limit beyond which they become unacceptable. Further, these vices misguide negotiations to reach a premature deal that cannot stand. Legality of a tactic in negotiations has no bearing on whether it is ethical or not. This is because, though the aim of negotiation is striking a balance, it hardly comes to that as each party always aims at achieving what is best for them. These tactics, therefore, come in handy for them to fool the other into believing that their stand is the best for both of them. Contrary to common belief, it is not naive to be entirely honest during negotiations. This is because full disclosure of facts is the best point to start. A clear statement of the facts also creates an environment that allows parties to evaluate their options. Impartiality helps them come up with suitable solutions that fully take care of their interests. Deception often makes a party wary of some topics during the negotiations, and this renders the whole affair futile. Rules that govern negotiations are not unique as they are objective and aim to satisfy those pertinent to the negotiation in utmost good faith. Negotiations adhere to common law. Adjustments take place in accordance with morality and ethics; social justice. Impression management may not be the same as lying, but this does not make it any less of a concern. This is because fabrication of such lies quenches the situation pending discovery. When the discovery takes place, which happens eventually,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

AN ASSIGNMENT PAPER Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

AN PAPER - Assignment Example According to this Spanish Civil Law, any person or group can either establish a local corporation or a foreign business in Mexico. If a person is willing to establish a local corporation then the procedure is really very simple. First of all corporation is registered by getting provisional registration in the maximum of 48 hours and final registration is obtained in the maximum of four months. Whereas corporation can start functioning once the provisional registration is done. For getting the local corporation registered, it must have at least two members and corporation’s charter is executed in the form of Public Deed. Spanish Law allows the following types of companies to be established. A foreign corporate that needs to establish branch in Mexico is required to fulfill few legislative steps while getting registered. Commercial registration is awarded to foreign corporation once all the steps listed below are fulfilled. First of all foreign organization needs to produce a legal copy of all the by-laws and articles of the corporation in front of Mexican establishment and also it needs to sign a bond in favor of Mexican Government. Dear Isabella, as far as ‘sociedad en commandita’ is concerned, it is applicable to the establishment of foreign branch which is governed by at least two general partners and a few limited partners. This rule does apply to the corporation you are getting to start. Also, starting your new branch in Mexico based on this law helps you eliminate all other remittances and expenditures other than taxes to your business. Mexico is an open market for foreign business therefore; you can clearly follow this law as compared to NAFTA in your business. NAFTA(Canada) does supersede this law only if Mexico would not provide an open market environment. You are already getting subsidy for launching new branch in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Evolution of Six Sigma Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Evolution of Six Sigma - Research Paper Example However, it means a quality measure that attempts for perfection by eliminating defects in any process (Terry, 2010). As different organizations interpret Six Sigma differently, its definition varies from organization to organization. These variations do not harm the main crux of the approach. At Motorola, Six Sigma is a â€Å"Metric, Methodology and a Management System while according to Six Sigma, it can be defined as three levels of â€Å"Metric, Methodology and Philosophy† (Terry, 2010). The main objective of this approach is â€Å"variation reduction and process improvement through the implementation of measurement-based strategy| (Montgomery & Woodall, 2008) by using Six Sigma improvement projects. Six Sigma’s statistical representation describes the performance of a process quantitatively. For a process to achieve Six Sigma, it should not have more than â€Å"3.4 defects per million opportunities; it has two sub methodologies namely DMAIC and DMADV that helps in achieving its objective† (Montgomery & Woodall, 2008). Six Sigma is an old concept that occupies an essential part in the history of management. The concept since its introduction has developed and improved over the years. This methodology’s evolution is an integral part of what it is today. Its evolution consists of different stages based on the phases of time and developments made in it. To understand the complete evolution process of Six Sigma, it is important to understand each stage. The different stages of evolution are: In the early 1970s, numerous US companies faced extensive loss of business and markets. These losses resulted in motivation for the use of statistical methods to improve quality and business procedure in general. The adoption and use of statistical methods helped US industries to regain their competitiveness in regards of quality. This all resulted in the emergence of numerous management systems

Linkedin Essay Example for Free

Linkedin Essay What is the LinkedIn website, what service(s) does it provide? (3 marks) It’s a serious business social networking website. It provide resume-posting by more than 100 million professionals and corporate types. 2. What was LinkedIn’s Net profit Margin in 2010? (1 mark) $243-million revenue, profit: $15. 4-million 3. Why are their concerns about the future potential growth in the number of LinkedIn user? 3) -The company acknowledges that the number of its registered members is higher than the number of actual members because â€Å"some members have multiple registrations, other members have died or become incapacitated, and others may have registered under fictitious names† -LinkedIn stated that â€Å"we do not have a reliable system to accurately identify the number of actual members† more of the users use Facebook more often than LinkedIn, if they don’t raise the frequency to increase the times to visit their site, then it might become a problem in terms of profits and stock price. . What is the major driver of their expected -220 times profit-per-share price of $32-$35? (2) -from 2009 to 2010, revenue increased by 102 % and income increased by 487 %. -The audience that already spans much of corporate North America. 5. Who generate most of the site’s revenue? Why do they use the LinkedIn website? (3) -LinkedIn brings in most of its money from corporations that use LinkedIn as a recruiting or marketing tool. which companies can use the user profiles to identify both active and passive job candidate, are cheaper than traditional recruiting firms. 6. Approximately how much capital is LinkedIn trying to raise? What will it be used for? (3) -IPO valuation of $3-billion -â€Å"invest heavily† in product development -â€Å"aggressively expand† its field sales staff 7. Would you invest in LinkedIn shares? Why or why not? (3) -probably no, lthough It’s a unique concept compare to other s ocial net working website, however, all these facts stating that the company isn’t doing very well in the article. The risks in raising their number of users, major competition like Facebook and Google. Down side benefit for new investors, that will have minimal voice in the company’s governance, since they plan to maintain a dual-class voting structure, and forecasted a net loss for 2011 of unspecified size. All these facts show that maybe it’s not the right time to invest in the company yet.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Arthur Miller Essay Example for Free

Arthur Miller Essay The point being made is that John knows it is his fault and the consequence of it is he wont let go of her because he knows the truth about the arrest. He is reassuring her that nothing is going to happen to her. You will not go! (Act 2 pg 63) Proctor knows that this is all a mistake but knowing it is his. Proctor argues with Mr Cheever that she is innocent and the courts are wrong. Proctor is running out of options he will do anything, even confess about his relationship to get her back. John knows that he is the only one to save his wife and he told her so. For this reason, John is a man of his word. In the previous Act he said I will bring you home (Act 2 pg 63). We have known John to be a man of his word when he says to Abigail that he will cut off his hand and that he will bring Elizabeth back. He stopped what he said before, subsequently he is going to bring Elizabeth back knowing what he said to his wife, he knows Elizabeth has faith in him Oh, John, bring me soon! (Act 2 pg 63). So John has to prove to the judge that his wife is innocent and Abigail accused her just to get John back so Elizabeth cant have him. Previously the audience know that John is a man of his word and proof of this is what he is doing. John is so sure that he is going to persuade Danforth that he doesnt need a lawyer. I am no lawyer (Act 3 pg 74) Johns confidence is leading him to save his wife then again being a man of his word. He has no care, even if he his going to go prison, he has try and save his wife. Options are running out for John. He has told the court about his affair with Abigail and said to Danforth that his wife will never lie. That woman will never lie. (Act 3 pg 74) He completely has faith in his wife, but if his wife will deny of the affair then John will be arrested on charges of contempt of court. Firstly John said that he would go to court, exactly what he said he will do. Proctor said he will admit to adultery saying his wife will never lie; he has absolute faith in her. As a result Elizabeth told her first ever lie because John isnt worth sacrificing. The audience see that Elizabeth does still love him. Also the audience see that John is entirely a man of his word. John is an ordinary man because he has committed sin! His wife is in prison because of him; hence it is his duty to save her. Proctor is neither an ordinary man nor a saint. I cannot mount like a gibbet like a saint (Act 4 pg 113) A saint is someone who is near to pure and has done something very important in order to change the world. He is angry with the court for saying he is evil but knows that they are the evil ones and it doesnt make a difference if he lies. John has done something good but it isnt quite there- spiritually developed. John could confess to be a witch. In addition it does not matter to him because he has done the worst sin there is compared to lying but he has to sign the papers. sign your testimony. (Act 4 pg 113) John does not want to sign the papers because of his name and for his children. John is an ordinary man because he wants his life but knows the cost of what he wants and stops himself because he wants to see his children grow into men. I want to live. (Act 4 pg 110). So basically which man does not want his life? Evidently he is an ordinary man; he does not want to die. The audience know John is an ordinary man but a changing ordinary man. John is churning in the crucible and nearly ready to be purified; John knows saving himself will cost another life, but he can put a full stop to it. John is a good man. John believes if he lives and others die for his life that is wrong. I speak my own sins; I cannot judge another. I have no tongue for it. (Act 4 pg 113). This means that he can talk his own sin but not others or that he will not accuse others for his own life. Proctor thinks not for himself but his children. He needs to give them a good name. I have confessed myself! no good penitence but it be public (Act 4 pg 114) and leave my name! (Act 4 pg 115). Proctor says because his conscience says he doesnt want a bad name for his children. He thinks that having his life means his children will have bad names and others will suffer. Also he doesnt want sign his confession especially for the public. Proctor is a fully spiritually developed man. He has refused to sign the paper, meaning his spoken confession is not counted. This gave him time to think and when conscious, spoke up. What others say and what I sign to is not the same! (Act 4 pg 115). Proctor knew or I shall I say he realised that his written confession would kill more people and only save himself. However if he dies, theres a full stop to all this nonsense. Proctor died to save others. The audience finally see the changed man for what he really is. Miller influences the audience in the way he refuses to sign and knew exactly what the consequence was going to be. John sees the shred of goodness in him, saying that he is white and should be kept away from dogs. The white symbolises the goodness and the dogs are the court. The dogs are the evil people from mythology, if dogs guarding hell and should be away from goodness; white. The decision he made was to stop everything bad and he wont go to hell because of what he has done. It makes John a good man, meaning his spiritual development is complete because he is dead and cant change anymore. John Proctor should have his shred of goodness because he has been churning long enough in the crucible pot. John Proctor is ready and purified and is a good man. He is finally, as I have mentioned, put a full stop to further deaths, being hung for witchcraft. This fact as it was proved in the Milgram experiment- where people would take another persons life without giving a second thought and were told to go even further, until they would die, Proctor was that person and did not listen. Furthermore, John was a final seal and said no more names, deaths or accusations and they were stopped. The government in March 1712 after a solemn meeting declared a democracy in Salem. All were compensated with their land, money and a good name for beloved people who died tragically in the witch trials. The ways the audience see The Crucible, is concerned with spiritual development of John. He is linked to all key events in the play, and still Arthur Miller showed how a man changed and died to save a state, in order to save other people and the good name of Proctor.   1 Umer Hussain Essay- The Crucible. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Vodafone Strategy Analysis

Vodafone Strategy Analysis Jump to: Vodafone Business Strategy | Internal and External Analysis | Strategy Evaluation | Strategy Implementation | Conclusion 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents an in-depth business; strategic analysis of Vodafone Group Plc. The report provides a comprehensive insight into the company, including strategy formulation, strategy planning, strategy evaluation and selection as well as strategy implementation. This will involve in investigating the organizations external environment, to identify Opportunities and threats it might face, and its strategic capacity, capabilities to isolate key strengths and weakness as well as indentify the significant of significant of the stakeholder analysis and environment and organizational audit OVERVIEW OF THE COMPANY A Multi-National Company named Vodafone is one the leading companies in Telecommunication Industry. Vodafone PLC Vodafone is a leading global player in mobile telecommunications. It operates in over 26 countries worldwide. Vodafone has grown rapidly since it was originally formed in 1984. It has responsibilities to its 60,000 staff and 151 million customers and shareholders. Vodafone offers a wide range Products/Services, such as Voice Services Social Products Messaging Services Vodafone live Vodafone live! With 3G USB modems Vodafone Mobile Connect Data Cards Roaming Services Other Business Services Vodafone was formed in 1984 as a subsidiary of Racal Electronics Plc. Then known as Racal Telecom Limited, approximately 20% of the companys capital was offered to the public in October 1988. Task 01: Strategy Formulation 1.1 Business Strategy Johnson and Scholars defined business Strategy as follows Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term: which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a challenging environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfill stakeholder expectations. Business strategy is the foundation and core competition of successful business. But there are different types of business strategy. The best business strategies must steer a course between the inevitable internal pressure for business continuity and the demands of a rapidly changing world 1.1.1 Vodafones Business Strategy Vodafones current business strategy is to grow through geographic expansion, acquisition of new customers, retention of existing customers and increasing usage through innovations in technology.This is proving a very successful strategy, as is evident from Vodafones UK success. Vodafone opened the UKs first cellular network on 1 January 1985. It has been the market leader since 1986; its UK networks carry over 100 million calls each week. Vodafone currently has the largest share of the UK cellular market. Vodafone business strategy and their sustainability strategy are inseparable. Meeting societys needs creates enormous opportunities to grow business. Vodafone aim to identify and focus on the areas where their interventions can address sustainability challenges most effectively at the same time as offering an attractive commercial return for their shareholders. Expanding Vodafone business strategy in emerging markets such as Africa and India is extending access to communications and the social and economic benefits this brings. Vodafone can also make an import ant contribution to development and to environmental sustainability by enabling a low-carbon society through bespoke products and services that meet specific needs in local markets. 1.2 Stake Holder Analysis Stakeholder Analysis is the technique used to identify the key people who have to be won over. On other words it analyse key stakeholders, an assessment of their interests and the ways in which these interests affect the project and its viability. 1.2.1 Videophone s Stake Holders are as follows 1.2.2 Significant of Stakeholder Holder Analysis The extent to which stakeholders affect the activities of an organisation depends on the relationship between the stakeholder and the organisation. Mendelows matrix provides a way of mapping stakeholders based on the power to affect the organization and their interest in doing so. It identifies the responses which management needs to make to the stakeholders in the different quadrants. Stakeholder Holder Analysis is very important to any organization. Significant of Stakeholder Holder Analysis of Vodafone PLC. Vodafone PLC can use the opinions of the most powerful stakeholders to shape companies projects at an early stage. Not only does this make it more likely that they will support to organization, their input can also improve the quality of Vodafone future. Gaining support from powerful stakeholders can help Vodafone PLC to win more resources. This makes it more likely that your projects will be successful. By communicating with stakeholders early and often, company can ensure that they know what company is doing and fully understand the benefits of companys project .this means they can support companies actively when necessary. Vodafone PLC can anticipate what peoples reaction to companies future project may be, and build into companies plan the actions that will win peoples support Draws out the interests of stakeholders in relation to the problems which the Vodafones future plans which seeking to address. Vodafone cans identifies conflicts of interest and potential conflict Helps provide an overall picture Helps identify relationships between different stakeholders helps possible coalition. 1.3 Environment and Organizational Audit 1.3.1 Environmental Audits Environmental audits are intended to quantify environmental performance and environmental position. In this way they perform an analogous (similar) function to financial audits. An environmental audit report ideally contains a statement of environmental performance and environmental position, and may also aim to define what needs to be done to sustain or improve on indicators of such performance and position. Environment Audit of Vodafone Vodafone s an environmental audit report ideally contains a statement of environmental performance and environmental position, and may also aim to define what needs to be done to sustain or improve on indicators of such performance and position. It includes Environment Policy Vodafone. Such as Improving energy efficiency Reducing waste Increasing reuse and recycling Environmental audit report includes how Vodafone plc committed to reducing the energy and natural resources they use, and the amount of waste they create. As well as a clear moral obligation, there is a sound business case for good environmental management. It can help them to reduce costs and meet the expectations of our customers and employees. Many of their larger customers now include environmental performance as criteria in their procurement process Energy and waste reduction targets are included in the personal development plans for relevant employees. Vodafones standards encourage suppliers to improve their environmental performance. 1.3.2 An Organizational Audit An Organizational Audit is a procedure for examining the practices, procedures, programs, and policies of an Organization. The growing challenge of Organization Design is learning how to adjust strategies and internal operations to the rapidly changing business environment.Through The Organizational Audi program it help Vodafone PLC to change the very nature of how it operates by aligning internal structures, processes, and systems to strategy, while adjusting to the demands of the external environment The length of The Organizational Audit is based on the size and complexity of the organization. It can be completed in a single intervention or spaced over a period of several weeks or months. The Organizational Audi format will be tailored to fit the needs of the organization. 1.4 Strategic Positioning Techniques Strategic positioning is the positioning of an organization (unit) in the future, while taking into account the changing environment, plus the systematic realization of that positioning. The strategic positioning of Vodafone PLC includes the devising of the desired future position of the organization on the basis of present and foreseeable developments, and the making of plans to realize that positioning. The strategic positioning method is derived from the business world. The method is aimed at ensuring the continuity of the organization. The strategy determines the contents and the character of the organizations activities. Terms, such as survival, legitimacy, market positioning, relationship with environment and choice for a certain work area, come up in this context. When developing strategic positioning for Vodafone PLC we have to raise Various questions As follows: How does the Vodafone PLC future look like? How could the Vodafone PLC be roughly positioned in the future? How are things in the Vodafone PLC at present? How can opportunities be seized and how can threats be met? How can this be put into practice in a systematic way? Task 02: Strategic Planning 2.1 Strategic Planning Strategic planning is an organizations process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people. Various business analysis techniques can be used in strategic planning, including SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats ), PEST analysis (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological), STEER analysis (Socio-cultural, Technological, Economic, Ecological, and Regulatory factors), and EPISTEL (Environment, Political, Informatics, Social, Technological, Economic and Legal) .Therefore before preparing strategic plan we have to understand external and internal factors affecting the Vodafone PLC as follows. 2.1.1 PEST Analysis for Vodafone (P)OLITICAL: Political factors involved the tax policy, labor law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariff, and political stability. Due to the customer relationships that the company value most, Vodafone is willing to shift their approach away from unit pricing and unit based tariffs to propositions that deliver much more value to customers in return for greater commitment, incremental penetration of the account or more balanced commercial costs. (E)CONOMIC: Economic factors include the economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and the inflation rate. The pricing factors the company usually do is giving the consumers a right and justly cost so that, everybody can avail or purchase their product in a broad sense. (S)OCIAL: social factors include the cultural aspects and include health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. The need for an equipment that can be a good device for every age range is available, since everybody are fully oriented in the use of the mobile technologies. (T)ECHNOLOGICAL: technological factors include ecological and environmental aspects, like RD (Research and Development) activity, automation, technology incentives and the rate of technological change. The technology is the thing that Vodafone is very proud of. The technological advancement enables the company to make a customer relationships stronger because of their customers trust that  built over the years. 2.1.2 SWOT Analysis for Vodafone PLC (S)TRENGTHS: The Companys strengths can be the reputation of the business in the local market because of the product in long run. The companys strengths are the strong bond of the company towards the customer and valuing them most as they craft another product. Another strength that can be depicted is the technology that is their greatest asset above the competitors. (W)EAKNESSES: The result of the weaknesses can be shortage of materials needed or more expensive purchase of materials in the target country. Meeting the customers demand is sometimes hard to cope. Every company must admit that reaching the customers taste and preferences are really hard to achieve. But these weaknesses will serve as a challenge in the company and they must prepare actions in answering these needs. (O)PPORTUNITIES: The opportunities can be a well established position when the business successfully landed in the foreign market. On growth opportunities, the three target areas are Mobile data, Enterprise and Broadband (T)HREATS: The threats can be large competitors that are waiting for the business that were undiscovered before conducting the study. This possibility is not that new. The Vodafone is not the only company that serving a kind of delicacy. SWOT Analysis for Vodafone PLC Dominance in Cellular Market Declining Market Share in Japanese Market Wide Geographical Presence Limited Exposure to Emerging Markets Expanding Geographic Presence Emergence of Low-Cost Brands Growth through 3G Market Saturation in Europe 2.1.3 STRATEGIC OPTION DEVELOPMENT Porters Generic Competitive Strategy Vodafone PLC has also been able to use Porters generic strategies to position itself in the marketplace.   This is a direct result of SWOT analysis. This framework also helps in deciding whether the organization is a cost leader, differentiator or a focus player accordingly, a company positions itself by leveraging its strengths. Porters three generic strategies are discussed in more detail in the following section. Cost leadership The companies that attempt to become the lowest-cost producers in an industry can be referred to as those following a cost leadership strategy. The company with the lowest costs would earn the highest profits in the event when the competing products are essentially undifferentiated, and selling at a standard market price. Differentiation When a company differentiates its products, it is often able to charge a premium price for its products or services in the market. Some general examples of differentiation include better service levels to customers, better product performance etc. in comparison with the existing competitors. Porter (1980) has argued that for a company employing a differentiation strategy, there would be extra costs that the company would have to incur. Focus Organisations can make use of the focus strategy by focusing on a specific niche in the market and offering specialised products for that niche. This is why the focus strategy is also sometimes referred to as the niche strategy (Lynch, 2003). Stuck in the middle According to Porter (1980), a companys failure to make a choice between cost leadership and differentiation essentially implies that the company is stuck in the middle. There is no competitive advantage for a company that is stuck in the middle and the result is often poor financial performance (Porter, 1980). Vodafone Generic Competitive Strategy is Low cost Competency Uniqueness Competency Border Target Narrow Target 2.1.4 STRATEGIC OPTIONS Vodafone PLC also aspires to uphold a high level of growth .Vodafones strategy up to date has been the key factor in its huge success and can carry on applying all of these strategies for the foreseeable future. Vodafones few strategic options are as follows 1. Merge between Vodafone and 3 Mobile Vodafone PLC and 3 mobile has proposed merger of the two companies. Both companies confirmed that, in the event of the merger proceeding as planned, all new and existing contract customers of Vodafone and 3 will be able to enjoy the same great value offered on all existing Vodafone and 3 mobile voice and data plans for the next 2 years. 2. Vodafone is considering a buyout of T-Mobile Vodafone is considering a buyout of T-Mobile Currently, O2 has the largest share of the UK market, but Vodafones 25% combined with T-Mobiles 15% would give the company two out of every five UK mobile customers. 3. Focusing for Diversification -Vodafone entering into Electronic equipment Market Diversification is the name given to the growth strategy where a business markets new products in new markets. This is an inherently more risk strategy because the business is moving into markets in which it has little or no experience. Vodafone PLC can enter into electronic equipment market by using diversification strategy. Vodafone can produce Vodafone Television, Vodafone Microwaves, Vodafone Washing machine etc. Vodafone diversification production Task 03: Strategy Evaluation and Selection 3.1 Evaluations of Options The evaluation of strategic options is an important part of the strategy process, whether largely incremental and implicit or an explicit stage within a formal planning system. The Evaluation of Business Strategy we can Use SAF module .In corporate strategy, Johnson, Scholars and Whittington present a model in which strategic options are evaluated against three key success criteria. Suitability (would it work?) Feasibility (can it be made to work?) Acceptability (will they work it?) For evaluating purpose, I have selected only few strategic options. Strategic Option 01 Focusing for Diversification -Vodafone entering into Electronic equipment Market Strategic Option 02 Merge between Vodafone and 3 Mobile 3.2 Evaluations of selected Options Suitability Option 01 Option 02 Does the strategy address the circumstances In which the organisation is operating? Yes Yes Is the strategy viable? Yes Yes Does the strategy exploit core competences? Yes Yes Does the strategy address the external environment? Yes Yes Is the strategy viable and achievable given conditions within environment? Yes Yes Does the strategy build upon or exploit the strategic capabilities of the organisation? Yes Yes Does the strategy fit with the current Yes Yes corporate culture of the organisation? Does the strategy create/maintain Competitive advantage? Yes Yes Acceptability Share holders Does the strategy provide adequate financial Yes Yes retunes? Does the strategy lead to unacceptable risk? No Yes Will there be issues at social responsibility? No Yes Management Will the Management support the strategy Yes Yes Will they leave they leave the organization No Yes Staff Will there be strike or turnover due to No Yes Implementing new strategy? Will they support to the implementing Yes Yes the Strategy? Does the strategy have impact over there salary? Yes Yes Does the strategy have impact over job security? No Yes Customers Will They use our new services? Yes Yes Will it satisfy there needs? Yes Yes Will it answer their complaints? Yes Yes Supplies Will the suppliers support to the strategy? Yes Yes Will the change there product, Process and location Yes Yes To support our strategy? Do we can make guarantee on financial security ? Yes Yes after implementing new strategy? National Government Will be misfit with the law? No No Will theses violating policy of the government? No No Will government provide support for us? Yes Yes Pressure Group Will it be damaging Outcry? Yes Yes Does it go far enough to satisfy three complaints? No No Feasibility Does the organisation have the resources and capabilities to deliver the strategy? Yes Yes Does Vodafone has previous experience in Yes Yes Similar Strategy? 3.2 Strategic Decision and Recommendation Strategy When evaluating selected strategic options ,option 01 would be most favourable option over option 2. Vodafone entering into Electronic equipment Market Vodafone PLC can enter into electronic equipment market by using diversification strategy. Vodafone can produce Vodafone Television ,Vodafone Microwaves ,Vodafone Washing machine etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Diversification is the name given to the growth strategy where a business markets new products in new markets. This is an inherently more risk strategy because the business is moving into markets in which it has little or no experience. Option 1 would fit to addresses the challenges of the external environment, is based upon or enhances the resources and capabilities of the organisation, builds or exploits synergies and is consistent with its corporate culture. This strategy complies with consideration of the anticipated rewards relative to the goals of the organisation. In addition, expectations of its key stakeholder groups. Anticipated rewards of option 1 will achieve possible returns relative to the risks incurred. Task 04: Strategy Implementation 4.1 Comparison of Role and Responsibility of Strategy Implementation Implementing Strategy gives a broad view of implementation and a thorough understanding of each piece of the implementation process. when implementing strategy will learn how to properly align corporate structure with corporate strategies and how to integrate strategy formulation and implementation by focusing on core areas. Strategy implementation skills are not easily mastered, unfortunately. In fact, virtually all managers find implementation the most difficult aspect of their jobs more difficult than strategic analysis or strategy formulation. When Implementing Strategy Someone needs to sign up as responsible for the action plan. Someone must say, yes, Ill do it. Youve got to identify that one person who will be carrying the ball. This is an absolute necessity for monitoring the plan. we must know whom to ask how is it going? And youve got to know whom to offer help to if, for whatever reason, the strategy isnt being accomplished. The manager responsible for the action plan is the same person responsible for the strategy the action plan is intended to implement. He signed up for that responsibility way back at strategy sessions. Selected Organization Marks Spencer (MS) M S is a major British retailer, with over 895 stores in more than 40 territories around the world, over 600 domestic and 295 international.. Virgin Trains: Virgin Trains is a train operating company in the United Kingdom. Although it is branded as part of the Virgin Group, the groups share in the company is only 51%, with the remaining 49% held by Stagecoach Group 4.2 Comparison of role and responsibilities in Strategy Implementation process. Even in the same industry the organisations practices different types of strategies to get competitive advantage over the industry and to become a market leader. In the strategy implementation process managers liable to carry out strategy implementation process as required. It should be lined with pre set standards. When comparing strategies of Virgin Train and Mark Spence they have their own strategies. The Virgin Train operates in the transport industry and where top management must make sure that strategy is comply with pre set objectives and it is going on in the right way. They need to always check whether there is any deviation from action plan. Resource allocation should be done throughout the implementation process as appropriate. Where top management need to concern about their major competitors while the strategy implementation process. In the Mark Spencer they are operating in the retail industry. Asda, Tesco, Morison, Sainsbury are their major competitors in the market. So that in the strategy implementation process Mark Spencer need to aware of their competitors strategies as well. Even organisations practices different types of strategies to get competitive advantages main roles and responsibilities are very common for every organisation. Common steps need to be fallowed in the strategy implementation process. Comply with action plan, resources allocation, identify deviation from objectives, monitoring and take control action, etc. Are can be seen in the every strategy implementation. In this process responsibilities have been allocated to relevant personnel and their responsibility is to act according to the action plan. 4.2 Resource Requirement of Implementing Selected Strategy When implementing strategy, Vodafone has to allocate resources in a logical order. . Those resources include financial, facilities and equipment, people and information. Vodafone PLC need to quantify the specific resources required to complete each of those action steps. Resources and capabilities of any firms can be measured through identifying its tangible and intangible resources and capabilities within. It ranges from financial, physical, technological and organizational; while intangible can be human, innovation and reputation assets Human Resource Normally most managers focus primarily on the financial resource. The resource which turns up scarce more often than any other is the human resource. Most often companies just plain run out of time or talent or time of their most talented people. No of employment must be decided by Line managers and floor Managers of the Vodafone PLC Financial Resources: Budget for Vodafone entering into Electronic equipment Market 4.3 Proposal for Vodafone Entering into Electronic Equipment Market This proposal is prepare to evaluate whether this strategy is success or not. After indentify external and internal factors affecting, Vodafone PLC has to decide whether all the selected strategy is financially viable and ability of meeting the selected target as well as it within the budget and time frame. 4.3.1 Target for Vodafone entering into Electronic equipment Market Introduce new product to existing customers and new customers by 10% within next six month [April 2011-September 2011] Improve frequency of purchase of Vodafone entering into Electronic equipment by 10% within each year. Re-position using the marketing mix. Increase Impulse segment by 25% within 12 month. 5.0 Conclusion Recommendation In a nut shell, the report examined Vodafone entering into Electronic Equipment Market. The report provided comprehensive insight into the company, including strategy formulation, strategy planning, strategy evaluation and selection as well as strategy implementation. This will involve in investigating the organizations external environment, to identify Opportunities and threats it might face, and its strategic capacity, capabilities to isolate key strengths and weakness as well as indentify the significant of significant of the stakeholder analysis and environment and organizational audit Business strategy plan is based on various business analysis techniques including SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), PEST analysis (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological), Marketing plan is based on SOSTAC framework. All activities integrated to achieve pre-established strategic objectives. External and internal forces have been evaluated by using SWOT analysis and PEST analysis model. Vodafone PLC could use its strong brand position. As financial aspect concerns NPV is positive, therefore based on financial points this strategy for into Electronic Equipment Market. The strategy is viable. But we need to take into account of non financial factors as well. Vodafone has to develop strong Marketing strategy when into Electronic Equipment Market .finally all These performances must be in line with bonus scheme to motivate employee 6.0 References Annual Report 2009. Vodafone. Retrieved 2009-10-31.   Who we are. Vodafone Group Plc. Retrieved 23 August 2010.   Our global footprint. Vodafone Group Plc. Retrieved 23 August 2010.   FTSE All-Share Index Ranking. Retrieved 2010-08-12.   David, F Strategic Management, Columbus:Merrill Publishing Company, 1989 Lamb, Robert, Boyden Competitive strategic management, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1984 Johnson, G, Scholes, K, Whittington, R Exploring Corporate Strategy, 8th Edition, FT Prentice Hall, Essex, 2008, ISBN 978-0-273-71192-6 Chandler, Alfred Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the history of industrial enterprise, Doubleday, New York, 1962. Ansoff, Igor Corporate Strategy McGraw Hill, New York, 1965. Drucker, Peter The Practice of Management, Harper and Row, New York, 1954. Chaffee, E. Three models of strategy, Academy of Management Review, vol 10, no. 1, 1985. Buzzell, R. and Gale, B. The PIMS Principles: Linking Strategy to Performance, Free Press, New York, 1987. chumacher, E.F. Small is Beautiful: a Study of Economics as if People Mattered, ISBN 0-06-131778-0 (also ISBN 0-88179-169-5) Krause, Reinhardt (1999-06-08). Vodafones Quest Begins With AirTouch Alliance. Investors Business Daily. Mannesmann rejects Vodafone bid. BBC News Online (BBC). 1999-11-14. Retrieved 2007-04-06.   Vodafone seals Mannesmann merger. BBC News Online (BBC). 2000-02-03. Retrieved 2007-04-06.  

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord Essay -- CSA Identity

The Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord What does the word "terrorist" bring to mind? Without even seeing the accused, most people in this country automatically assume this person is Middle-Eastern and Muslim. Although Stern's Terror in the Name of God focuses mainly on Islamic terrorists, it begins by addressing terrorist acts of a more homegrown variety. Stern interviews American terrorists here in the United States. The Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord or CSA, a group of radical Christians, became one of the "most violent white supremacist centers of the 1980s" (Phelps). Members lived communally on a 250-acre compound near the Arkansas-Missouri border (Barkun 428). The group "came to accept the teachings of Identity Christianity," which, according to Stern, means seeing "Anglo-Saxons as the 'true Israel,' America as a sacred land, and the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as a God-inspired, Christian inheritance" (17). Followers of Identity Christianity also expect to be present for doomsday (Stern 17). In fact, the members of the CSA believed the Apocalypse was imminent (The Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord). As Kerry Noble (minister and second in command of the CSA explains, "we are Christian survivalists who believe in preparing for the ultimate holocaust" (Paranoia as Patriotism). And that is exactly what they did. The organization set up an "Endtime Overcomer Survival Training School," which offered a course in military tactics, "Christian martial arts" and urban warfare (Paranoia as Patriotism). All male members of the group trained in every aspect of military action (The Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord) and each was issued full military gear,... ...right." The Village Voice [New York] 25 Mar. 1997,36-38. Alt-Press Watch (APW). ProQuest. W.E.B. DuBois Library, Amherst, MA. 11 Oct. 2007 . Stern, Jessica. Terror in the Name of God. New York: HarperCollins, 2003. Van Boven, Sarah, and Seibert, Sam. "Prep work." Newsweek 126.7 (14 Aug. 1995): 4. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. W.E.B. Du Bois Library, Amherst, MA. 10 October 2007. ost-live&scope=site>. Wheeler, Tim. "McVeigh could tell some tales." People's Weekly World [New York] 26 May 2001, National Edition: 13. Alt-Press Watch (APW). ProQuest. W.E.B. DuBois Library, Amherst, MA. 11 Oct. 2007 . The Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord Essay -- CSA Identity The Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord What does the word "terrorist" bring to mind? Without even seeing the accused, most people in this country automatically assume this person is Middle-Eastern and Muslim. Although Stern's Terror in the Name of God focuses mainly on Islamic terrorists, it begins by addressing terrorist acts of a more homegrown variety. Stern interviews American terrorists here in the United States. The Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord or CSA, a group of radical Christians, became one of the "most violent white supremacist centers of the 1980s" (Phelps). Members lived communally on a 250-acre compound near the Arkansas-Missouri border (Barkun 428). The group "came to accept the teachings of Identity Christianity," which, according to Stern, means seeing "Anglo-Saxons as the 'true Israel,' America as a sacred land, and the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as a God-inspired, Christian inheritance" (17). Followers of Identity Christianity also expect to be present for doomsday (Stern 17). In fact, the members of the CSA believed the Apocalypse was imminent (The Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord). As Kerry Noble (minister and second in command of the CSA explains, "we are Christian survivalists who believe in preparing for the ultimate holocaust" (Paranoia as Patriotism). And that is exactly what they did. The organization set up an "Endtime Overcomer Survival Training School," which offered a course in military tactics, "Christian martial arts" and urban warfare (Paranoia as Patriotism). All male members of the group trained in every aspect of military action (The Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord) and each was issued full military gear,... ...right." The Village Voice [New York] 25 Mar. 1997,36-38. Alt-Press Watch (APW). ProQuest. W.E.B. DuBois Library, Amherst, MA. 11 Oct. 2007 . Stern, Jessica. Terror in the Name of God. New York: HarperCollins, 2003. Van Boven, Sarah, and Seibert, Sam. "Prep work." Newsweek 126.7 (14 Aug. 1995): 4. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. W.E.B. Du Bois Library, Amherst, MA. 10 October 2007. ost-live&scope=site>. Wheeler, Tim. "McVeigh could tell some tales." People's Weekly World [New York] 26 May 2001, National Edition: 13. Alt-Press Watch (APW). ProQuest. W.E.B. DuBois Library, Amherst, MA. 11 Oct. 2007 .

Reducing Symptoms in Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder Through

Reducing Symptoms in Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder Through Drug Treatment Bulimia nervosa is a chronic psychiatric disorder that haunts the lives of many young women. The disorder is characterized by frequent episodes of binge eating followed by some sort of purging. The purging usually involves self-induced vomiting and can cause great damage to the body. Persons diagnosed with bulimia nervosa have a loss of control over these behaviors. Affecting the lives of 3-5% of young women, bulimia is a problem that is spinning out of control and nothing seems to be able to stop it. Binge eating disorder is another psychiatric disease that causes problems for many people. In this disorder, persons binge frequently but do not attempt to compensate for their eating by using purging techniques such as those used by persons suffering from bulimia nervosa. There are many types of treatments that attempt to mitigate the symptoms of bulimia and binge eating disorder. But what causes the binges in binge eating disorder and what causes the binge-purge cycle in bulimics? How can the symptoms of these disorders be reduced or eliminated? If the causes of these behaviors are discovered, the behaviors can be reduced. There are several therapies that have proven to be fairly effective in treating persons diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. Drug therapy has made great advances in recent years and goes straight to the root of the problem. Drug therapy attempts to uncover the biological causes of the symptoms of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. A discovery made recently found that there is an inverse correlation among women with bulimia between the frequency of binge-eating and cerebrospinal fluid concentration of the major ser... ...very effective. This manual should be researched and developed further because not only can people educate themselves, but therapists can have more time to focus on deeper problems and on patients who do not respond well to such therapies. Works Cited Hartman, Boyd K., Faris, Patricia L. Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa With Odansetron. Archives of General Psychiatry. 1997; 54: 969-970. Hudson, James I., McElroy, Susan L. Fluvoxamine in the Treatment of Binge-Eating Disorder. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 1998; 155: 1756-1762. Rissanen, Aila., Naukkarinen, Hannu. Fluoxetine Normalizes Increased Cardiac Vagal Tone in Bulimia Nervosa. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 1998; 18: 26-32. Treasure, Janet., Schmidt, Ulrike. Sequential Treatment for Bulimia Nervosa Incorporating a Self-Care Manual. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 1996; 168: 94-98.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Customer Empowerment Essay -- Economics

Customer Empowerment The Choice is Yours The Internet has permanently changed the relationship between consumers and the retail industry. Electronic commerce has provided consumers with more options, more alternatives and more opportunities than ever before. Consumers are no longer limited to physically visiting "main street" or "big-box" retailers. Instead, they are able to choose from products and services from companies large and small, located all over the world, without leaving their homes. Tangible points of comparison between retailers, which now can be automatically aggregated by software buying agents in seconds, include more than selection and price. Shipping costs, return policies, privacy practices and personalization of products are examples of tangible points of comparison. Equally as important are intangible points of comparison, specifically the customer experience. Everything from the look and feel of the home page to the shopping and buying process defines this experience. It encompasses everything the customer sees, clicks, reads, or otherwise interacts with. The customer experience is the key to dotcom survival. Consider the options available at the Land's End Web site. Consumers can browse the catalog online or shop with a friend, speak with a customer representative on the phone or online, create a model to try on clothes virtually, ask questions about specific products, place an order and track past orders. Concern over the customer experience has clearly driven the design of the Land's End business model, creating numerous options unavailable in the physical world. Of course, this overlooks the most powerful and fundamental option to consumers on the Internet: the ability to leave one store and enter another within seconds. And if a satisfactory purchase cannot be made, online auctions provide alternative shopping venues that directly compete with many traditional retailers. Central to the creation of a positive, unique and personalized shopping experience are technologies employed to remember customer preferences. Tracked preferences help expedite, and sometimes fully automate, the shopping process while offering targeted marketing and discounts. Online chat, bulletin boards, user reviews, auction sites, consumer feedback, online help and other customer-oriented features are als... ...e the price was just too high (because of the pricing error). I asked him if he could change it and he said no. He also knew that they would be throwing out the oranges soon if they didn’t sell. His frustration in not being able to correct such an obvious problem in his own department was evident. The Lesson. I tell these two contrasting stories because they relate directly to customer satisfaction and profitability as a function of employee empowerment. Two good grocery chains with two very different approaches to management. At Fresh Fields, every employee is aware of his or her impact on profit and is empowered to take independent action to maximize it. The decision to give two expensive cookies to a customer is not an insignificant decision. It is a business decision that may influence the relationship between a store and its customer. Unfortunately, it is a decision that most employees in traditionally managed organizations have no authority to make. My hope is that these two examples will clearly show how customers and profits can be won or lost when employees are enabled to take ownership of day-to-day problems. Once again, it just makes sense.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How ICT has helped people with special needs Essay

Introduction In this essay I will be analysing how the usage of ICT helps people with special needs. There are 3 types of special needs. What is a physical disability? The term â€Å"disability†, as it is applied to humans, refers to any condition that impedes the completion of daily tasks using traditional methods. National governments and global humanitarian agencies have narrowed this definition for their own purposes, only pledging aid to those with specific disabilities of a certain severity What is a sensory disability? Is when someone is you are Deaf, visually impaired, hearing impaired or have a significant combination of hearing and sight loss. What is a learning difficulty? A disorder in basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or use mathematical calculations. The term includes conditions such as perceptual disability, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. How ICT is used to help those with Learning Difficulties Multimedia software Helps people who find it hard to concentrate. It uses different forms of media, pictures, sound clips and video to keep the user interested. Specialised educational software There’s a huge range of software available to help people struggling with different subjects and useful tips e. g. help with reading and basic maths. Touch screens These are useful for people who finding using a mouse or any other sort of input device difficult. Spell checkers Can help people with dyslexia who finds it difficult to spell; you can set it up so check your words as you type. How ICT is used to help those with visual difficulties. People with hearing difficulties can still use most computer functions normally. One thing you can do though is set up the computer to display visual icons rather than using sound. DVDs are much better than videotapes as you can use the subtitle facilities. Many recent communication technologies like e-mail and texting work really well for people with hearing. Being able to set mobile phones to vibrate or flash is also very useful. Text phones are an older system that replaces a standard telephone with a keyboard and a screen. What you type on both screens- a bit like a chat-room. Both sender and receiver need a text phone machine. If a person has problem seeing or is completely blind they would be categorized as having a Visual disabilities. If a person cannot read small type then there are a lot of magnification devices out on the market, which fit almost anything from phones to monitors. For example a person with low vision would use a keyboard with extra large print. If a person is completely blind then they would use a speech recognition device. Changing the screen settings can help. You can also change the colour scheme, screen resolution and fonts to make it clearer. For the blind, special hardware is available- Braille keyboards make it easy to type, and describe what’s on the screen. Screen readers are pieces of software that use speech synthesis technology to read out and describe what’s on the screen. Text-To-Speech. A text-to-speech is designed for individuals with reading difficulties. It works by simultaneously highlights and reading aloud of text. There are other devices for people with reading disabilities such as spellcheckers How ICT is used to help those with hearing difficulties. Speech Recognition There are two uses for speech recognition these are Dictation and Computer control. Speech recognition is one of the desired assistive technology systems. People believe speech recognition is a natural and easy method of accessing the computer A dyslexic person who has problems with writing English would use the speech recognition to make sure their English is correct. A person planning to use speech recognition must be aware he is required to go through a training session. This is a one-time reading when the user must read aloud an excerpt of text that is displayed during the training feature of the speech recognition application. Depending upon the speech recognition software, there is several enrolment training excerpts to select from. A person planning to use speech recognition must be aware he is required to go through an enrolment (training) session. This is a one-time reading when the user must read aloud an excerpt of text that is displayed during the training feature of the speech recognition application. (For an example of enrolment text, please see What Is Speech Recognition) Depending upon the speech recognition software, there is several enrolment training excerpts to select from. Personal Communicator tool for Learning and Communicating Sign Language. The Personal Communicator creates a common ground for communicating in Sign Language. Using hypermedia technology, the Personal Communicator is a user-friendly program that brings sign language communication capabilities to the desktop and notebook computer. With more than 2500 digital video signs and 4500 English words. The Personal Communicator can be a useful tool in communication, education, and other environments. If someone is not able to use a mouse because they haven’t got full control in there hands then there are mouse alternatives to help people with the disabilities. How ICT can help those with Physical Difficulties Many people find mice difficult to use- there are many alternatives such as tracker balls, Joy Sticks and tough pads. People with limited hand movement can get specially designed keyboards to suit there needs. Voice Recognition software can be used by people with little or no hand movement. It lets you speak to the computer to navigate menus and do what you want it to do. If you are severely limited, you can use a computer with switches carefully arranged- Stephen Hawking is a famous example of someone who uses ICT in this way. For people with limited mobility, environmental control systems can be set up to atomically open, close curtains, turn lights on and off, operate heaters and so on. How ICT can help those with Language difficulties Dictionary software can help you to quickly translate individual words. Learning software can help you practise an unfamiliar language with exercises where you can hear phrases spoken. It can also record your voice and play it back to see how well you have done. Most word processing packages can check your spelling in different languages and check that your sentences make sense. In conclusion it is fair to say that people with disabilities might need variations on the standard equipment to use computers, but once they have these mentioned above I am sure it can change the way they live.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Case study of Boeing Dreamliner Essay

Critical FactsBoeing is the worlds full-grownst manufacturer of military and commercial-grade-grade aircraft, which was founded in 1916 by William Boeing and Navy Engineer Conrad Westervelt in the name of Pacific Aero increases Comp all in Seattle, which later active segmenticipation in World war-I was renamed to Boeing Airplane Comp whatever (Frederick, 2014). Boeing produced some(prenominal) hundreds of B-17 Flying fortress during World contend II which became the U.S Bomber. In 1950s Boeing confront a tough competition from its opposition McDonnell-Douglas which was good at manufacturing propeller aircraft. out-of-pocket to the increased temperament of its competitor, Boeing entered into the field of manufacturing commercial Jet-aircrafts in a full-scale (Frederick, 2014).Boeing, aft(prenominal) its full-scale entry into commercial aircrafts copyled aircrafts much(prenominal) as 707, 727,737,747,767. The letters of the series from 707 to 777 begins with sevensome in terms of publicity aspect. Among these aircrafts 747 is the jumbo-jet and 777 is an aircraft intentional by completely relying on estimator technology. For each and every aircraft it had released in the commercial market, it opted for set rejuvenation (Frederick, 2014).Boeing with an intention of creating additive pry to its customers and their passengers by developing an advance(a) aircraft launched the program of 787 Dreamliner in 2003. Boeings prise creation strategy for the passengers was to reduce the age of journey and make their actuate understand remedy by re- objectiveing the aircraft and offering tender-sprung(prenominal) comforts. Dreamliner 787 is pictureed with some advanced features wish it is do of 50% of composite material, sort out weight, nons blossom flights between any reduplicate of cities without any hauls in travel (Zimmerman & S.Tang, 2009). Boeing Dreamliner with the 50% use of composite material benefitted in two distinct ways of dischar ge Efficiency and Easy main(prenominal)tenance imputable to which it is free from rust for several years.Fuselage and go mostly comprises of composite material sooner than the traditional material (Aluminum). Manufacturing of Dreamliner 787 baffling a vernal supply fibril dish up of outsourcing study extent of the components and assembling on the whole told these components by Boeing at their assembling hall. These make several Tier1 suppliers to keep up getd in these contrive much(prenominal) as Spirit, Kawasaki, Alena and Vought (BoeingCorporation, 2014). Because of complexness in supply ambit remains and lack of instruction system collaborating all the suppliers heterogeneous in the project of Dreamliner 787, made Boeing to undergo some hassles which military issueed in condition of first flight for a plosive consonant of 27 months and its delivery to the customer for a meter of 40 months. This everywhererun subjected in colossal investments of $11 billio n more than the planned investment on the Dreamliner 787 switch (Zhao, 2012).AnalysisBoeing as to increase the military operation of 787 Dreamliner, introduced a complex supply chain carry out, which integrates the best aerospace companies all around the domain to design the critical components of 787. Also it had changed its manufacturing model from a vertical model to a global henchman model. With the death penalty of these newfangled strategies Boeing want to reduce its equal and time in development, as a result of rising its market luck than that of its competitors. Boeing after moving to the new global partner model characterd several problems. As the supply chain process is dispel all over the world Boeing got into vex of coordinating with its partners. The big insecurity in this model was Boeing had to take care that all the partners involved in 787 manufacturing are visible to the info provided and also it should extradite access of the randomness about its vendors in order to chink that they are capable of delivering on-time (Danning, 2013).Boeing as a part of new supply chain process it spread its components manufacturing all over the world. So as to get incorporated with its vendors and in the process of obtaining information from them it introduced a new communication web-based tool authentic Exostar supply chain management solution. Because of this tool, Boeing cute to collaborate its partners planning schedules and progress in knead so as to ensure that no delay in manufacturing. just now Exostar which opted by Boeing posed problems during its runtime. Also as a part of cultural divergency and out-of-pocket to lack of trust on other suppliers some of the vendors involved in 787 design did not input absolute and timely information. As a result of this inaccurate information Boeing had not observed the problems at the early stages and in a timely fashion (Zhao, 2012). Boeing during 2003 lost its share value to Airbus whic h is a strong inverse to it (Boeing Corporation, 2014).In order to regain its value in the market Boeing dogged to design an aircraft by enhancing its customers.So in the process of designing a new aircraft Boeing decided to use composite carbon grapheme rather of regular aluminum to an large extent which had not been implemented in the past. Because of this composite fibers Boeing estimated to decrease the cost of travel for its passengers and to increase fuel efficiency. But this criterion backfired in getting air bubbles on the skin of fuselage and nose during assembling of aircraft which resulted in delay of 787 Dreamliner (Pearlson & Saunders, 2013) Boeing in the process of lessening in time and cost it opted a supply chain process in which it adopted from Toyota. Toyota manufactures its products with short development life history cycle with minimal chance and cost. Boeing in the same perception of minimal risk and cost opted this process. But this resulted Boeing into deep risks by lack of accurate information and incorrect delivery by its vendors (Pearlson & Saunders, 2013).The 787 Dreamliner involved clutch of technical and non-technical innovations which had not been implemented in any of aircraft manufacturing such as 70% of composite material replacing aluminum, lithium ion batteries, new systems of electrical is a huge task to achieve. While dealing with such complex and huge innovations one should involve in maximum extent of the project but whereas Boeing opted for minimal involvement by relying on its Tier1 suppliers. This resulted of increase in cost and timeline of aircraft delivery (Danning, 2013). As a part of establishing its market share with no drawn-out duration it implemented global manufacturing model which involved maximum extent of outsourcing its components design which left Boeing just with assembling the aircraft.This resulted workers at Boeing in fear of their jobs in gravel lead to usurp for 3 months. Because of t his strike it lost lots of money due to no production of work (Michael, 2012). closure The aforementioned problems are some of the main reasons of Boeing Dreamliner 787 is not delivered on time. While kickoff a new project with such huge innovations and risks every firm would be cautious by following true steps that helps the project to run in a smooth chassis without any complications in which Boeing failed to do so.RecommendationsWhile adopting a certain process from other organizations or firms it is better to know the principles and rules that are involved and need to examine the process implementation. I would recommend if Boeing would start outfollowed the same implementation process as of Toyota with pre-defined steps it would induce saved billions of dollars which would have lead Boeing into top aerospace labor While implementing a new supply chain process it is endlessly better to have face to face coordination rather than coordinating through electronic computers or on relying through some technology. I would recommend although information entered through computer will be for future mathematical function but as the process is globally spread out it would have been better if Boeing have send its employees, engineers and skilled workers to have spy on its suppliers or vendors.For any industry that is going to develop new product with forward-looking material instead of traditional material it is the responsible of that industry to perform research and experiments so as to get some digest of the innovative material and to be cautious of the problems that bone up in the future. If Boeing would have done the analysis on using composites in major part of aircraft production then no delays due to rise of air bubbles on fuselage section and on nose section.I would have recommend to hire naughty skilled workers who are having experience in aircraft industries and dispatch them to vendor location for the steerage of vendors to follow certain rul es and regulations or the standards followed Boeing. As the project involved more amounts of risk factor I would suggest Boeing would have been involved in every phase of project completion, so as to get correct updates and to speed up the work than deadline estimated, which would have resulted in rise of fame and reputation of Boeing for producing aircraft at very cheap cost than estimated.ReferencesAnupindi, R. (2011, 10 10). Case studyBoeings Dreamliner.Boeing Corporation. (2014). Boeing. Retrieved from Boeing 787 Dreamliner http// Danning, S. (2013, 1 28). What Went Wrong At Boeing?Frederick, P. (2014). VIEW AMERICA WHAT TO SEE. In P. Frederick. billet america. Michael, A. J. (2012, 10 25). Boeing 787 case analysis. p. 15. Pearlson, K. E., & Saunders, C. S. (2013). Managing and Using Information Systems. John Wiley & sons. Zhao, Y. (2012). Why 787 Slips Were Inevitable. p. 16.Zimmerman, & S.Tang, C. (2009). Managing New Product development and supplychain risks. turn in chain forum, 14.

Mcdonald’s Corporation in the New Millennium Essay

beefburger or non-hamburger segment put high honour on kempt food such as chicken burger or salads. The fast-food industry becoming better than before and the potential customers whom care what they eat provide go to McDonalds get they want. The competitive strategy is toward to hear what customer want and create innovative life style such as good for you(p) food or vegetarian food, and changing fast for safekeeping original client and gaining more as intumesce. reception to Q3 Strengths for McDonaldsNo. 1 Fast-food chains- get under ones skin openhandedr market distribute than others. Weakness for McDonalds take to of McDonalds fast-food is unhealthy-got to change unhealthy image to healthy one. McDonalds have large market share than others fast-food restaurants. It strengths are more people could know the news of McDonalds and easy find it out when have new product or promotion McDonalds should change the image to that fast-food is healthy food, and plus large share market, McDonalds future leave reap more healthy food lover and doing well for its customers. Answer to Q4In my opinion, McDonalds should pay off a separate strategy for heavy user segment. match text book Some of these customers visit fast-food restaurant 20 times per month and spend up to $40 per day in them. McDonalds could develop new strategy for them such as lieu delivery for free order more than $49 or other promotions. point of intersection Strategy Product strategy begins with a strategic vision that states where a company wants to go, how it will get there, and why it will be successful. Product strategy is like a roadmap, and like a roadmap its useful wholly when you now where you are and where you want to go

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Effective emerging leader Essay

It is sincerely yours distinguished for an in force(p) emerging attractor such(prenominal) as me, to aim stronger in a stimulating, education wholey-rich environment. To befit gravid, a learner loss attraction essential subscribe to galore(postnominal) cracking examples of leading, doctrine and truth. The University of to the south Florida embodies ein truth of these traits for me, and that is why this university appeals to me in both way.I seduce had the opportunity non tho to enforce leadership in pith groom as the student remains president, save oerly be the relay for manners victor for deuce-ace age, yearly parliamentary procedure Editor, incubate realm overlord and aged(a) assimilator brass President to slay my soaring indoctrinate years. anformer(a)(prenominal) receipts I decl atomic number 18 is the accompaniment that my aunty squander from USF and my pay off go forth be attendance USFs give lessons of fosterage i n a couple on of years. My auntie has introduced me to the campus, and by dint of her I endure perceive roughly the tremendous opportunities and great measure that tarry me. lead has eternally been the reference I was meant to use up and in effect(p) degree-holding leaders are polar in our closely paced, eer evolving terra firma. I confide The University of conspiracy Florida allow inculcate me how to fetch such a leader with its world kinsperson readiness and all the opportunities classical manner and voluntarying affords.In conclusion, leadership traits I have knowing from experience, mentors and teachers over the years lead truly welfare my USF tone and other USF Bulls as advantageously Whether it is through volunteer opportunities such as pass for Life, or runway for a billet on the student Senate, I guess to be a very stiff leader at the University of second Florida and diverge an never-failing fall guy of grandeur on its campus.